The client wanted a strong, bright presence at conferences to draw visitors into their booth. The 84" tall Nimlok roll-up banner was ideal. It also came with a carrying case and weighed less than 5 pounds.
university of west florida
school of allied health & life sciences
branded cups
tradeshow give-a-way
The client wanted some give-a-ways for a tradeshow convention. Thermo-chromatic stadium cups (change color with hot or cold liquid) were chosen to capture attention in a usable way.
university of west florida
school of allied health & life sciences
branded padfolio
internal use
The client wanted a padfolio with their logo for meetings, etc.
university of west florida
school of allied health & life sciences
branded post-its
tradeshow give-a-way
The client wanted some give-a-ways for a tradeshow convention. This pad of post-it notes with their logo and contact information was chosen. The graphics were dark enough to be visible, but not so dark to overpower whatever is written on the pages.
university of west florida
school of allied health & life sciences
branded measuring tape
tradeshow give-a-way
The client wanted some give-a-ways for a tradeshow convention. A keychain measuring tape with their logo and web URL was a great choice.
university of west florida
school of allied health & life sciences
branded pen
tradeshow give-a-way
Personalized pen to accompany the notepad, which included the logo, school name, phone number, and website.
university of west florida
school of allied health & life sciences
branded notepad
tradeshow give-a-way
Personalized pad to be handed out at conferences displaying the school name, logo, phone number, and website.
hs trask & co
hs trask & co
catalog sticker
Promotional sticker outlining free shipping with coupon details and source code information, placed on outgoing catalogs inserted in order packaging.